Are you a Student? Do you have passion to help others? If you are a student and you want to act in building a better society join the creACTive lab! For more information please visit http://creactive-lab.org/. Join us and ACT NOW!
The creACTive lab was created in order to provide a platform where creativity and action can be combined. The”creative/active laboratory” will support student projects based on the non-profit sector, for example, projects that promote social justice or protect the environment, in order to work towards a brighter future. The mission of the creACTive lab is to establish an international forum where students can exchange ideas on non-profit issues, share their passions and develop or learn new skills. Ultimately, our students will ‘activate’ themselves and become communication activists. They will become not only witnesses, but also actors of change and will present their experiences of the non-profit sector to others, using the modern communicational tools provided by the creACTive lab.